Buy Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP Implementations (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) For Sale.
You can buy Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP Implementations (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) at best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options, availability and additional information about Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP Implementations (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing) by click the link on the bottom of this post.
Active noise control (ANC) is rapidly becoming the most effective way to reduce noises that can otherwise be very difficult and expensive to control. ANC is achieved by introducing a canceling "anti-noise" wave through an appropriate array of secondary sources. When applied accurately, ANC can provide effective solutions to noise-related problems in a broad range of areas, including manufacturing and industrial operations as well as consumer products. Consequently, ANC research and development has become an important focus of both industrial applications and engineering research.Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP Implementations introduces the basic concepts of ANC with an emphasis on digital signal processing (DSP) hardware and adaptive signal processing algorithms, both of which have come into prominence within the last decade. The authors emphasize the practical aspects of ANC systems by combining the principles of adaptive signal processing with both experimental resu
Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP Implementations (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)
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